Saturday, June 18, 2011

checker play #067

is Player 2

score: 0
pip: 140
9 point match
pip: 175
score: 0

is Player 1
to play 32

Bijeli zaostaje 30 pipseva. Crni ima jedan checker pozadi kojega je teško blokirati. S druge strane bijelom prijeti 10 checkera. Strategija kojom bijeli može do pobjede je učvršćenje obrane i jačanje kuće kako bi, ukoliko udari crnoga, mogao izbačeni checker i zadržati. Time bi nadoknadio zaostatak u trci. Potez koji ide tim smjerom je b/23 24/21. 9.polje je u redu, ali obično se jedan checker na blokira nego napada. Ukoliko crni udari u vanjskom polju bijeli neće imati velikih problema s ulaskom. Zaštita od napada i blokade zauzimanjem najisturenije ankore koju je moguće napraviti je najbolji izbor.

White is 30 pips behind. Black has one checker back which is not easy to block. On the other side he threats with ten checkers in attack zone. Winning game plan could be to strenghten defense and to improve homeboard in order to contain eventually black checker(s) later. Play which suits such game plan best is b/23 24/21 and represents the most efficient checkers usage. 9pt is ok but usually is better to attack one checker and prime two. If black hits in outfield, white will not have problems with entering. Blitz protection with long term asset like advanced anchor is the best.

1.Rollout1Bar/23 24/21eq: -0,624
35,38% (G:7,02% B:0,25%)
64,62% (G:22,68% B:0,94%)
Conf: ± 0,028 (-0,652...-0,596)
Duration: 19 minutes 22 seconds
2.Rollout1Bar/22 24/22eq: -0,795 (-0,171)
33,59% (G:6,18% B:0,37%)
66,41% (G:24,68% B:1,17%)
Conf: ± 0,029 (-0,824...-0,766)
Duration: 19 minutes 31 seconds
3.Rollout2Bar/22 11/9eq: -0,834 (-0,210)
33,62% (G:7,06% B:0,42%)
66,38% (G:27,60% B:1,65%)
Conf: ± 0,028 (-0,862...-0,806)
Duration: 17 minutes 23 seconds
1 1300 Games rolled with Variance Reduction.
Moves and cube decisions: 3 ply

2 1299 Games rolled with Variance Reduction.
Moves and cube decisions: 3 ply
eXtreme Gammon Version: 1.21, MET: Rockwell-Kazaross

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