Sunday, June 19, 2011

checker play #068

is Player 2

score: 0
pip: 114
9 point match
pip: 160
score: 0

is Player 1
to play 61

Središnje, 13.polje je korisno zadržati ukoliko se ima checkera pozadi. Ono predstavlja most između prednjih i stražnjih checkera. Otpuštanjem se povećava mogućnost podijele checkera na dva dijela što može rezultirati razbijanjem kuće ukoliko protivnik blokira stražnje checkere. Zaostajući 39 pipseva bijeli želi zadržati kontakt, pa čak ga i uvećati. Osim toga poželjna je i potpuna kontrola kuće crnoga kako ovaj ne bi mogao nezgodna bacanja igrati iza leđa bijelom. Zbog navedenih razloga bijeli zadržava 13. i checker na 24. polju, te kreće s 22. polja naprijed.

Don't release your midpoint when still have back checkers. It is bridge between your front and back checkers. If player releases midpoint he increases chances that opponent divides his army into two pieces which could results with homeboard crunch if back checkers become blocked. Behind in race, white keeps contact and like to control whole black's homeboard to distract him to handle unpleasant rolls behind his anchor. Because all these reasons white should run from 22pt and keep all specified assets.

1.Rollout122/15eq: -0,553
26,05% (G:3,89% B:0,10%)
73,95% (G:19,93% B:0,66%)
Conf: ± 0,011 (-0,564...-0,542)
Duration: 9 minutes 44 seconds
2.Rollout124/18 6/5eq: -0,647 (-0,094)
25,10% (G:4,07% B:0,17%)
74,90% (G:26,84% B:0,60%)
Conf: ± 0,012 (-0,659...-0,635)
Duration: 9 minutes 54 seconds
3.Rollout124/18 22/21eq: -0,658 (-0,105)
20,99% (G:2,65% B:0,13%)
79,01% (G:17,22% B:0,34%)
Conf: ± 0,009 (-0,667...-0,649)
Duration: 10 minutes 38 seconds
4.Rollout122/21 13/7eq: -0,663 (-0,110)
23,29% (G:3,26% B:0,17%)
76,71% (G:23,24% B:0,73%)
Conf: ± 0,010 (-0,673...-0,653)
Duration: 8 minutes 35 seconds
5.Rollout113/7 6/5eq: -0,685 (-0,132)
26,38% (G:4,57% B:0,19%)
73,62% (G:33,26% B:1,65%)
Conf: ± 0,012 (-0,697...-0,673)
Duration: 8 minutes 12 seconds
1 1296 Games rolled with Variance Reduction.
Moves and cube decisions: 3 ply
eXtreme Gammon Version: 1.21, MET: Rockwell-Kazaross

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